Current and Recent Projects
Title: Monitoring Mesozooplankton and Microzooplankton in Long Island Sound, National Coastal Assessment
Title: Foodweb Support for the Threatened Delta Smelt and other Estuarine Species in Suisun Bay and the Western Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
Title: Collaborative Research: Testing hypotheses about diversity, gene flow, and effective population size in marine planktonic ciliates
Title: Carbon and Nitrogen Acquisition and Cycling in Heterotrophic and Mixotrophic Ciliates
Title: LISICOS – Long Island Sound Integrated Coastal Observing System
Title: Collaborative Research: Diversity and dynamics of planktonic ciliates – what can next-generation sequencing technologies tell us?
Title: Collaborative research: Patterns of diversity in planktonic ciliates: spatio-temporal scales and community assembly in the coastal ocean
Title: Collaborative research: Combining single-cell and community ‘omics’ to test hypotheses about diversity and function of planktonic ciliates